Tips Tuesday – Cotton pads

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Hello Loves,

Hope you’re well.

I am starting this Tips Tuesday series on my blog where every Tuesday I will post a new tip for everyone.

In the top picture, you can see two types of cotton pads one with stitching (on left) and the other without stitching and chevron design (on the right). The other day I was removing my eye makeup and didn’t realized I picked the cotton pad with the stitching (enlarged image at the bottom). You won’t believe, I almost saved myself from getting a cut in fine lines under my eyes. Yes, you read it right. These pads can be really sharp and harsh for your skin.

Tip: Avoid buying pretty looking or cheap cotton pads. Yes, these are cheap even though they look pretty. These are from Aldi Supermarket’s brand Lacura. 

Cotton pad tip on

Stay tuned for lot of more tips every week.

Loads of love,

Ash <3

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  1. Ouch! That was a close call…this is a great tip..deffo avoid these around the eye area. I find these to be the best used on the face though. They offer a little bit of exfoliation, especially with toners, but I prefer plain ones with micellar waters for makeup removal. Love the idea of this new series. Keep up the great work Ash xxx

    Sal | UmmBaby Beauty

    1. Ohh yes, would work as a great exfoliating pads. Thank you so much darling <3

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